Author Archives: admin

Antibiotics in Their Guts

Antibiotics in Their Guts Similar to other species, black soldier flies have a complicated relationship   ...Read More

Squaring a Circle

Squaring a Circle Black soldier flies can be a great component in a circular economy,   ...Read More

Under (Fly) Armor

Under (Fly) Armor Recent publication discusses microscopic structure of black soldier fly cuticle. Notably, it   ...Read More

Not Fish Alone

Not Fish Alone Even though, ironically, the article introduced in this post was published in   ...Read More

It’s in the Genes

It’s in Their Genes Nutrient composition of black soldier fly larvae is strongly influenced by   ...Read More

You Are What You Eat Part III

You Are What You Eat Part III Another paper came out reporting that nutrient content   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Protect Brussels Sprouts

Black Soldier Flies Protect Brussels Sprouts Not only does black soldier fly frass improves growth   ...Read More

Automating the Process

Automating the Process As black soldier flies gain popularity on commercial farms, the infrastructure for   ...Read More

Circles Big and Small

Circles Big and Small The circular economy is defined as a model of production and   ...Read More

Sludge Management

Sludge Management A mix of fish carcasses, uneaten aquafeed, and fish feces does not sound   ...Read More