Tag Archives: Biology

Black Soldier Flies Enter Tissue Culture

Black Soldier Flies Enter Tissue Culture While we are not at the point of cloning   ...Read More

Black Soldier Fly Genome Sequences

Black Soldier Fly Genome Sequences Genomes for two more black soldier fly populations have been   ...Read More

Young Black Soldier Flies Have More Sex

Young Black Soldier Flies Have More Sex Not the most unexpected finding, but it is   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Enter the Nanoworld

Black Soldier Flies Enter the Nanoworld One valuable product of black soldier fly farming is   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Adapt to Cold

Black Soldier Flies Adapt to Cold Black soldier flies are native in areas with relatively   ...Read More

Under (Fly) Armor

Under (Fly) Armor Recent publication discusses microscopic structure of black soldier fly cuticle. Notably, it   ...Read More

It’s in the Genes

It’s in Their Genes Nutrient composition of black soldier fly larvae is strongly influenced by   ...Read More

Don’t Spoil the Baby Larva

Don’t Spoil the Baby Larva It is common in commercial operations to rear newly hatched   ...Read More

Cooperation Is the Key

Cooperation Is the Key Another recent paper demonstrates the importance of microorganisms for black soldier   ...Read More

It’s a Wasp against a Fly

It’s a Wasp against a Fly One of the many advantages of farming black soldier   ...Read More