Tag Archives: Waste Management

Black Soldier Flies Tolerate Microplastics

Black Soldier Flies Tolerate Microplastics On one hand, this is a good thing because they   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Rock

Black Soldier Flies Rock After all, they are an amazing species that is a versatile   ...Read More

Insecticides Hurt Black Soldier Flies

Insecticides Hurt Black Soldier Flies This is not a major revelation. Insecticides kill insects (hence   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Power Trucks

Black Soldier Flies Power Trucks And other diesel engines. At least potentially, if economics of   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Eat Mushrooms

Blacj Soldier Flies Eat Mushrooms Another addition to the list of wastes that black soldier   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Like Beer

Black Soldier Flies Like Beer Or, to be more precise, beer waste. Still, who can   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Digest Plastic

Black Soldier Flies Digest Plastic With the help of associated microorganisms. This does not mean   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Fight Alien Invaders

Black Soldier Flies Fight Alien Invaders Invasions by non-native species that become economically and environmentally   ...Read More

Antibiotics in Their Guts

Antibiotics in Their Guts Similar to other species, black soldier flies have a complicated relationship   ...Read More

Squaring a Circle

Squaring a Circle Black soldier flies can be a great component in a circular economy,   ...Read More