Author Archives: admin

You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat Although black soldier flies are generally omnivorous, not every food   ...Read More

Bacteria Help Black Soldier Fly Larvae to Thrive

Bacteria Help Black Soldier Flies to Thrive While decaying junk may not look very welcoming   ...Read More

No Small Potatoes. Part II

No Small Potatoes. Part II. Previous post on potato lessons for insectivores described a long   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies May Recycle Minerals Too

Black Soldier Flies May Recycle Minerals Too Black soldier flies are fairly well known for   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Go Well with Red Seaweed

Black Soldier Flies Go Well with Red Seaweed At least for tilapia. As search for   ...Read More

Insect Farming and Saving the Planet

Insect Farming and Saving the Planet A recent article in the Time magazine entitled Insect   ...Read More

Black Soldier Fly Frass Can Replace Peat Moss

Black Soldier Fly Frass Can Replace Peat Moss Peat moss is a very common ingredient   ...Read More

Black Soldier Flies Need Balanced Nutrition

Black Soldier Flies Need Balanced Nutrition One of the great benefits of soldier flies is   ...Read More

Microbes Living in Black Soldier Fly Guts Help Degrading Antibiotics

Microbes in Black Soldier Fly Guts Help Degrading Antibiotics Discarded pharmaceutical products, including antibiotics, are   ...Read More

Domestication Has Its Costs

Domestication Has Its Costs Black soldier flies are increasingly becoming a truly domesticated species. While   ...Read More