In our fight for a cleaner and healthier future, the Black Soldier Fly stands out as a front-line solution for a significant number of issues we face today. These tough little guys transform organic waste into valuable feed products at an amazing rate.
AI Helps Black Soldier Flies to Lay Eggs
AI Helps Black Soldier Flies to Lay Eggs Even small improvements to large-scale industrial processes may result in very considerable gains in productivity. Recent study describes developing a mathematical model to help optimizing environmental conditions for maximum egg-laying by black soldier fly adults. While it remains to be seen how this model performs across a …Read More
Black Soldier Flies Improve Chicken Health
Black Soldier Flies Improve Chicken Health Adding a supplement derived from black soldier flies to chicken feed significantly improved gut health and productivity of laying hens. This is not surprising because insects are a part of their natural diet. Therefore, incorporating insect components into chicken feed is a biologically sound approach. Al Anas, M., Aprianto, …Read More
Black Soldier Flies Enter the Nanoworld
Black Soldier Flies Enter the Nanoworld One valuable product of black soldier fly farming is chitin, a natural biological polymer that is an essential component of insect bodies. After extraction, it can be used in numerous applications including medicine, environmental remediation, and agriculture. Therefore, understanding its structure receives increasing attention from the scientific community. Khayrova, …Read More
Full (Shrimp) Circle
Full (Shrimp) Circle Black soldier flies eat shrimp while shrimps eat black soldier flies. It is a beautiful circle of life. Fricke, E., Saborowski, R. and Slater, M.J., 2024. Utility of by‐products of black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) production as feed ingredients for Pacific Whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, …Read More
Black Soldier Flies Help Lettuce Grow
Black Soldier Flies Help Lettuce Grow Also, arugula. The list of plants helped out by soil amendments derived from black soldier fly larvae is growing at such a pace that it is probably time to start talking about the general nature of this phenomenon. Chavez, M.Y., Uchanski, M. and Tomberlin, J.K., Impacts of Black Soldier …Read More
Black Soldier Flies Like Beer
Black Soldier Flies Like Beer Or, to be more precise, beer waste. Still, who can blame them? Not surprisingly, the benefits of good nutrition at a larval stage are carried over to adults. Laursen, S.F., Flint, C.A., Bahrndorff, S., Tomberlin, J.K. and Kristensen, T.N., 2024. Reproductive output and other adult life-history traits of black soldier …Read More
Black Soldier Flies Help with Biological Control
Black Soldier Flies Help with Biological Control Amending soils with wastes left from black soldier fly rearing is already well known to promote growth of different plants, including kale, mustard, grasses, and Brussels sprouts. It turns out that adding the skins cast by black soldier flies during molting (entomologists call them exuvia) to the soil …Read More
Black Soldier Flies Digest Plastic
Black Soldier Flies Digest Plastic With the help of associated microorganisms. This does not mean that black soldier flies can be switched onto a diet of recycled bottles. However, looks like they may be able to break up some of the plastics potentially present in mixed wastes. Wang, J., Liu, C., Cao, Q., Li, Y., …Read More
Black Soldier Flies Adapt to Cold
Black Soldier Flies Adapt to Cold Black soldier flies are native in areas with relatively warm climates. This can be a problem while farming them in colder areas. Fortunately, it looks like they can be bred to become more tolerant to cold. Interestingly, this change is also associated with a shift in the community of …Read More
Black Soldier Fly News
New information on black soldier flies becomes available pretty much daily. Business deals are being struck, facilities are being built, original research publications appear in a wide variety of scientific journals, and news articles appear in popular mass media.
General Information on Black Soldier Flies
There's a reason that black soldier flies have created such a buzz recently. Everyone from big ag to backyard chicken farmers are realizing that black soldier flies are an innovative, inexpensive, green, and humane way to produce healthy, high-protein feed for livestock and even people. If your interest has been piqued, please explore.
Black Soldier Fly Myths and Misconceptions
As the idea of farming of black soldier flies gains track with agriculturalists, researchers, and general public, the amount of available information explodes. Much of it is valuable and contributes to further development of this technology. Some of it needs further verification. Some of it, however, is not entirely correct (or is entirely incorrect). We compiled a list of common misconceptions about this rather remarkable creature and its place in modern agriculture.
Feed Black Soldier Flies to Your Chickens
A chicken is not a penguin. Neither is it a pelican, nor a cormorant. It is not even a puffin. This does not seem like a particularly astute observation. Yet, fishmeal constitutes a considerable proportion of many commercially available chicken feeds. This creates a rather unnatural situation.
How About Green, Cruelty-Free, High Protein Food for Your Dogs and Cats?
Pets are family. There is little doubt about that. However, they belong to different biological species. Therefore, their physiology and, hence, nutritional requirements are different. They cannot have the same diet as humans do. At the same time, they should not eat garbage just because it is not fit for human consumption. Black soldier flies may help addressing this issue.
Black Soldier Flies are Reptilian Superfood
Not all pets are warm and fuzzy. Quite a few of them are on a cooler side and covered with scales. Among the insect species commonly used to feed pet reptiles, black soldier flies stand out because of their unique nutritional value. Making them a regular part of your scaly pets' diet will be highly beneficial for their health and well-being.
Black Soldier Fly Farming
So, you've decided to become a bug farmer. Friends and relatives are seriously concerned about your mental health, while the person you had been dating for a while left you for a financial industry executive. Still, this enterprise will be totally worth it in the end, as long as the right approach is taken.