Right Thing for a Wrong Reason
It is very common to hear that insect farming should be promoted because it will help feeding rapidly growing human population. I believe that this argument is misleading. While the human population is still technically growing, birth rates are plummeting all over the world (e.g., https://www.visualcapitalist.com/worlds-plummeting-fertility-rate/). Therefore, we are talking about residual population growth, not the ever-growing increase in human population that was a major boogie man between 1960s and 1980s, until climate change became a new scare. In the near future, relatively low numbers of working-age people needing to feed a relatively high number of elderly people will be more of a food security problem than a numeric increase in human population. This, by the way, is also a good justification for expanding insect farming.
Another problem with harping on population growth is that such an argument implies that without more people inhabiting Earth in the future, food security is not a problem. In fact, however, about 2.37 billion people currently lack basic food security across pretty much all countries (https://doi.org/10.4060/cb4474en). This happens at the current population level. Thus, the issue needs to be addressed now, not sometime in the future when population density exceeds a certain threshold.
Insect farming is a valuable technology for decreasing malnutrition and increasing food security. Promoting its adoption is important. However, such a promotion should be based on valid arguments. Otherwise, convincing reluctant audiences will become problematic.