Category Archives: Opinion and Commentary

Circles Big and Small

Circles Big and Small The circular economy is defined as a model of production and   ...Read More

Right Thing for a Wrong Reason

Right Thing for a Wrong Reason It is very common to hear that insect farming   ...Read More

No Small Potatoes. Part III

No Small Potatoes. Part III. Not all lessons that can be learned by insect farming   ...Read More

No Small Potatoes. Part II

No Small Potatoes. Part II. Previous post on potato lessons for insectivores described a long   ...Read More

Insect Farming and Saving the Planet

Insect Farming and Saving the Planet A recent article in the Time magazine entitled Insect   ...Read More

No Small Potatoes

No Small Potatoes In previous posts, we discussed that expanding the diet of humans and   ...Read More

Plastic Humans

Plastic Humans Evolutionarily plastic, that is. Our remarkable success as a species (which came at   ...Read More

Insectophobic Neophobia

Insectophobic Neophobia Our previous post explained why promotion of insects for food and feed is   ...Read More

The Insectivorous Conspiracy

The Insectivorous Conspiracy In the last blog post, we developed a groundbreaking conspiracy theory that   ...Read More

The Real Reason Tucker Carlson Got Fired from Fox

Let Them Eat Bugs The Real Reason Tucker Carlson Got Fired from Fox Recent, and   ...Read More